Inspire Mindset ChangeIdeas change us and our world—and effective speakers have tremendous influence in spreading these ideas. Arbinger’s bestselling authors, thought leaders, or organizational experts create unforgettable experiences and help spark transformation with their engaging, insightful, practically applicable presentations. Ich stimme der Datenschutzerklärung und der Verwendung meiner Kontaktdaten durch Arbinger für Marketingzwecke zu. Content that improves performance and influences culture Arbinger speakers are experts whose work is bBased on over 45 years of research in the psychology of human behavior and motivation. They are uniquely equipped to inspire the mindset shifts that drive positive behavior change. An Arbinger speech addresses crucial workplace and leadership challenges while delivering practical, applicable value, and tools. Topic areas include leadership, collaboration, innovation, accountability and performance, conflict resolution, employee engagement, strategic alignment, and customer focus. We also offer speeches to address the unique needs in government, education, healthcare, non-profits, public safety, and other industries. Presentations range from intimate settings such as executive retreats to keynote speeches at large conferences, and they are offered in-person or virtually via webinar/webcast. Speeches are generally 30 to 90 minutes in length. Sample speech topicsThese topics can be tailored to the needs and interests of each audience.Don’t Hold People Accountable. Develop Accountable People The Self-Deception Trap: Saving Leaders From Themselves Unleash Learning Impact The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves Unleash Ego-Free Innovation Develop Conflict Resolution Ninjas Why Retaining Top Talent Is Not Enough Future-Proof Your Organization The Secret to Collaborative, Engaged, High-Performing TeamsLeadership and Self-Deception Humanizing Medicine: Treating People, Not Patients Influence: What Others Are Really Responding To Strategic Alignment With An Outward Mindset What Your Performance Reviews Aren’t Telling You Featured speakersOur speakers are seasoned Arbinger experts who can share a wealth of practical experience to energize and inspire audiences. Click on the links below for background on each speaker below to help you determine the right fit for your organization. Mitch WarnerManaging Partner and Arbinger Author Jo SchaefferSenior Consultant Chris McintyreSenior Consultant Cameron CozzensDirector, Government Practice Dave MossSenior Consultant Desmond LomaxSenior Consultant Beth HannanSenior Consultant Michael LazanSenior Vice President Chip HuthSenior Consultant Joelle El HelouManaging Director, Arbinger Middle East Mette Villemoes PontyManaging Director, Arbinger Scandanavia Senthiyl S.S.G.Director, Arbinger Singapore/Malaysia Miriam FisasManaging Director, Arbinger Spain Lawrence LungManaging Director, Arbinger China/Taiwan Richard TatemSenior Consultant Michael MerchantSenior Consultant Request a speakerWork with Arbinger and the speaker directly to create a powerful and practical experience for your next leadership meeting, conference, or special event.